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Award Show Worthy Caramel Corn and Chocolate Chex Snack Mix

Awards Show Worthy Caramel Corn and Chocolate Chex Mix

It’s almost red carpet time again. Have you been watching the awards shows this season? I love watching the red carpet to see the latest fashions and which stars are walking train wrecks this year. The Oscars are only a few weeks away so I have to make sure I have award show worthy snacks to munch on while watching the show.

What to make, what to make…… Over the last week, this has been running through my mind. Something space themed as a nod to Gravity (though I really didn’t like the movie), something Somalian as a nod to Captain Phillips (which I absolutely loved)…..hmm. (In case you are wondering, I had to stop there because those are the only two movies I’ve actually seen that are on the best picture list.) What? You haven’t watched the movies either? Then check out this video where kids re-enact scenes from the movies up for Best Picture.

Since nothing was really screaming “Make me, make me!”, I decided to go back to basics. What do you eat while watching movies? Popcorn! What makes popcorn better? Caramel and chocolate! Yum! This is an easy peasy recipe made with popcorn, rice chex and nuts. It will be a big hit at your Oscar viewing part if you don’t eat all of it first (which will be hard….trust me…..*crunch*).

Want to make your own award show worthy recipe? Check out these ideas at Life Made Delicious and download a $1 off coupon for Chex! AND I’m giving away a great Chex Snack Mix Prize Pack which will include:

  • One (1) box of Rice Chex cereal
  • One (1) box of Honey Nut Chex cereal
  • One (1) Gourmet Settings Windermere Solid Spoon Server
  • One (1) Pasabahce Lyric Ophelia Serving Bowl
  • Four (4) Home Essentials For Home Glass Dessert Bowl
  • Four (4) Microlux Microfiber Polyester Napkin
  • Four (4) Attitudes Weave Metal Napkin Ring

Sign up below the recipe!

Awards Show Worthy Caramel Corn and Chocolate Chex Mix

Award Show Worthy Caramel Corn and Chocolate Chex Snack Mix

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes


  • 4 cups natural popped popcorn, i.e. not salted or buttered
  • 4 cups rice chez
  • 1 cup mixed nuts, I used cashews, almonds and pecans
  • 1/4 cup corn syrup
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • Coarsely ground salt, optional
  • 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup sweetened dried cranberries


  1. In a large microwavable bowl, mix popcorn, rice chez and nuts.
  2. In a microwaveable 2 cup measuring cup, mix corn syrup, brown sugar and butter. [img src="" alt="" width="620" height="348" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-7036"]Microwave for 2 minutes or until boiling, stirring once at the 1 minute mark.
  3. Pour caramel mixture over popcorn/chex mixture and stir until evenly coated.
  4. Microwave for 5 minutes, stirring after each minute.
  5. Spread mixture on foil and sprinkle with a bit of coarse salt (a pinch or two...not much).[img src="" alt="" width="620" height="348" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-7034"]
  6. Let cool for approximately 15 minutes. Stir to break up clumps.
  7. Melt chocolate chips in medium bowl (~ 2 mins). Add ~ 3 cups of the cooled snack mix to the chocolate and stir until coated.
  8. Pour chocolate covered mix on to foil to cool (if you are impatient like me, pop it in the fridge to cool quickly).
  9. Once cooled, mix the caramel mix, the chocolate covered mix, and the cranberries in a bowl. Enjoy!
  10. Store in an airtight container.


You could easily leave out the chocolate step and serve this as caramel corn snack mix. It is delicious!

Chex Snack Mix Prize Pack - MerryAboutTown

Chex Snack Mix Prize Pack Giveaway

Disclosure: I am part of the Chex Mix Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

Janie N

Thursday 6th of March 2014

Watching TV I like to snack on both. Salty or Sweet. Although I try my best to fight the habit of either but you can't watch a scary movie without popcorn. It just would not be right.

mongupp (@mongupp)

Thursday 6th of March 2014

I like sweet and salty! Sunchips are a fave


Thursday 6th of March 2014

My favourite tv snack is kettle corn. I love the salty-sweet combination.


Thursday 6th of March 2014

Always salty, popcorn, chips, nuts , love them all.


Thursday 6th of March 2014

in the summer it tends to be icecream. french vanilla bean with chocolate syrup, or homemade strawberry jam. or both. in the winter, i tend to go for the more salty.

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