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Calgary Summer Fun Bucket List

It is FINALLY summer here. Since school in Calgary doesn’t let out until the end of June, it is hard to get in to the spirit of summer. It seems like weeks ago when everyone else (especially those in the US) started their summer vacations. Regardless, we are there now and we ARE going to have a great summer. Every since I stopped working in April, I have found it hard to keep on track and remember what I plan to do for the day/week. Since our summer is so short, I don’t want to wake up one day and realize that the whole summer has slipped by.

One day while on Instagram, I saw a picture that one of my favorite bloggers, Cate, had posted of her family’s Bucket List for Summer. Such a cool idea. I am a list girl so I’m surprised I didn’t think of it myself. Evan and I spent an evening brainstorming ideas and made a list. It is long but I think we can get through most if not all of it. It gives us a plan and we can decide what we can accomplish in any given day or week. In fact, we’ve already marked off two of the items with another one slated to bite the dust tonight.

Summer Fun Bucket LIst

Click on the image above to enlarge it.

In Calgary, a good place to start your own list is Family Fun Calgary’s 100 Things to Do in Calgary list.

What are your plans this summer? Do you have your own Bucket list?