Every year around September or October I realize that my child has grown a TON and that none of his cold weather gear fits any more. Since Evan is 14, you would think I would have this down to a science by now but you would be wrong. As we drove to dinner last night, the first few flakes of snow for the year fell from the sky and I realized that Evan didn’t have a pair of winter boots that fit. Best mom EVER.
If this sounds like something that happens in your house, this guide is for you. Here are the things that we seem to need every year whether we like it or not. Oh, and those of you that live in warmer climates. Shhhh. Just read and laugh at people who live where the air hurts your face.
Cold Weather Gear Guide
Winter is coming! Don't be caught off guard without your cold weather gear!
After asking all my FB friends, Baffin kept being mentioned over and over as everyone's favourite boots. We snagged this pair because it is easy on and off and no laces.
Not your normal "winter boot for a kid who will likely lose them twice". Instead these are the hubby's favourite for long snowmobile trips when it is really cold. If you love being outdoors when it is super cold...these are for you.
I much prefer thin gloves for winter. If I'm going to be outside a long time, I stick them inside a warm mitten. I've given up on gloves for Evan. He refuses to wear them 99% of the time.
Warm mittens for the win. I have long fingers so I usually buy mens so they are big enough to wear thing gloves under if it is super cold.
Have a teen or younger adult on your list? Heck...looking for a hat for YOU? This is likely the MOST popular option where I live. Who knew Carhartt would be this popular.
Dewey got a hat with ear flaps last year and I think it is his favourite winter thing EVER. If you tend to run cold, this hat is for you.
I love cute socks as much as anyone but when you are going to be spending time outside, cute should not be your first concern. Some will suggest that wool is your best bet. Unfortunately, I would claw my feet off within the first 3 seconds so I tend to buy non-wool socks.
As with many other things, I tend to buy men's winter jackets as well. I have really long arms so they just fit better. Women's work too but remember...if you are planning to spend time outdoors, function wins over fashion every time. We bought this jacket for Evan last year and I borrow it all the time.
Since Dewey had his accident, his heated vest has been a LIFE SAVER. This is not the exact one he has but I like that it uses a standard USB connector for the battery which is better than his vest that has a specific connector. It has been a lifesaver for his sore shoulder.
Snow Pants
There is exactly ZERO way to buy snow pants online. I don't have any suggestions. I've had great success with the Costco women's pants when I can find them.
Our air is so dry! I buy lip balm by the truckload. I need one for every pocket, my car, my purse....basically everywhere. I have found that natural ones help for longer (tho Blistex feels amazing in the moment). Find what works for you and then buy one meeeelion of them.
Did I mention that the air is dry in winter? I love this hair & body soufflé because as you warm it up, it turns to oil. It is perfect for your driest, ouchiest skin as well as those errant fly-aways after you take off your toque.
Plus this is an amazing company started by a friend's teen daughter. Love that!
Headed to the rink? I don't always use these but there is nothing better on a SUPER cold day than a handwarmer tucked into your mittens.
Keep your insides toasty too with a big cup of coffee in an insulated cup. Whether you add Bailey's or not is up to you.
Keep from slip sliding away with a set of Yaktrax for your shoes. They make walking on ice and snow a breeze without you looking like Bambi on ic
What are your MUST HAVES for winter? We live in a rural area so we take our winter seriously. I have a snow mobile, snow shoes and cross country skis. That means we have to have gear that works and keeps us warm. Not in that situation? Well, the suggestions here will still keep you warm and toasty in those minutes where you do need cold weather gear.