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Easy Frozen Party (on a Budget!)

My daughter wanted a Frozen party for her birthday, but scrolling through Pinterest make my stomach began to knot. So much PARTY PRESSURE.
Luckily, my kids don’t know about Pinterest. I planned an entire Frozen party with minimal effort and expense, and they loved it. Here’s how it’s done.
1) Hit up the Dollar Store
I got Frozen-themed plates, cups, party hats and balloons ($4 per package). I supplemented the relatively expensive Frozen balloons with regular blue and silver balloons ($1.50 per package).
I also got two foil Frozen balloons on sticks for $4 each – these things last FOREVER. We have had a Spider-Man one for 2 YEARS.
I taped the balloons to the wall in groups, and my daughter set the table with the cups, plates, and hats. VOILA, Frozen party.
2) Get some kind of activity
If you live in Canada, check the toy aisle at Superstore / Loblaw’s. I found a cardboard castle that kids can both colour on AND play in. Bonus: it starts out white, so it looks like ice. It’s $20. I put the stick-balloons in the turrets. Festive!
There are lots of things you can do at a Frozen party that won’t cost you a thing!
Fill a bowl with water, stick some plastic toys in it, and freeze it. Let the kids chip the toys out of the ice, Kristoff-style.
You can also put the movie on and have a Frozen sing-along. Hand out small prizes for loudest singer, most enthusiastic singer, and best dancer.
Do you wanna build a snowman? Have an Olaf-building contest in the backyard!
Younger kids love to colour. Find some free Frozen colouring sheets online and hand them to the kids with some crayons.
Create snowflakes, just like Elsa! Get the kids to cut some paper snowflakes. Add glitter if you don’t mind a little mess!
SUBTOTAL: $20 (or FREE!)
3) Use what you have on hand
We all have some Frozen merchandise that we’ve trampled other parents to get our hands on. Use all of that stuff. Put dolls and stuffies on the mantle and table as decorations.
We had little plastic figurines that I stuck on the mantle and in the castle. These are also good to stick on top of generic cakes – it transforms them into themed Frozen cakes, with zero effort.
Check your Christmas decorations, too! Do you have a can of spray-snow or some snowflake ornaments that you can dig out?
I also had this pipecleaner garland laying around, so I tossed it up on the mantle. If you don’t have ones of these, they are SUPER easy to make, and cheap.
TOTAL COST:  $27 ($47 if you bought the castle, but that’s still pretty darn good.)
So for less than $50, you’ve got decorations, a festive meal, and a bunch of activities to keep the kids happy. All this with minimal effort and expense. And, more importantly, the kids loved it!