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Guinea Pig Memes That Will Make You Laugh!

Evan loves Guinea Pig Memes. He makes me read them and watch guinea pig videos almost every day. Even if you don’t have guinea pigs, I promise they will make you giggle!

Our Guinea Pig Story

Had you asked me 5 years ago if I wanted a guinea pig as a pet, I would have said: “No, why?” It wasn’t that I was negative against guinea pigs. They just didn’t enter my mind as a pet I might want to have. Was it because guinea pigs are rodents? Not really. Was it because guinea pigs are too much work? Also, not really. It just never occurred to me.

Taffy and Gumdrop the guinea pigs

Last year we got two guinea pigs, Gumdrop and Taffy, when we got home from our RV trip. Evan wanted a pug but I negotiated down to a pair of guinea pigs. Now we are all in love with the guinea pigs even though they can be a bit stinky.

Stink aside (just clean their cage more), they are some of the funniest, cutest pets we’ve ever had. They make us laugh and we never get tired of watching them bop around their cage. I know that fellow Guinea Pig lovers won’t be at all surprised by this but I know people who don’t have them will be. So here are some of my favourite Guinea Pig Memes that sum up our life with our favourite furry potatoes. These were so popular that I added another post of even more Guinea Pig memes just for you!

Note: It is hard to find where memes come from originally. If you own any of these and would like a credit link back, just let me know!

Funny Guinea Pig Memes

Guinea pig meme about plastic bags
Was that the refrigerator guinea pig meme
stealth pigs
king of the world
Guinea pigs run away
gP flip meme
GP chewing on the cage at night
GP water bottle
fridge opening
Bag Crinkle
full bowl of food

Don’t forget to pin these Hilarious Guinea Pig Memes for later!

Guinea Pig Memes That Will Make You Laugh!

Giggling yet? Here’s more great info on Owning Guinea Pigs!

Pricing Guinea Pig Options at the Pet Store

Teaching Impulse Control – Getting a Guinea Pig

Pet Guinea Pigs Essentials

Guinea Pig Essentials

11 Great Gifts for Pet Lovers

11 Great Gifts for Pet Lovers


Sunday 22nd of November 2020

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Wednesday 10th of April 2019

Bag crinkle - WIDE awake! Just like a baby too! LOL

G-Force Fan 69420

Saturday 10th of April 2021

So True!


Thursday 4th of April 2019

Too funny! The water bottle lullaby is a 3AM ritual at my house!

Merry Kuchle

Friday 5th of April 2019

Ours too! That is the funniest one!