Evan and I left Alabama this morning heading home to Alberta. He really wanted to stay another day but I was ready to hit the road and get started. We’ve enjoyed our RV Adventure but I am ready to be home!
Lots of people asked me what our routing would be. Never one to put too much thought into our route, I plugged in Calgary, AB into Google Maps and pushed go. Google picked our route based on road conditions and estimated it would take us 33 hours. Since we are pulling Miss Daisy, it will take us longer. I think Google assumes you drive the speed limit if there aren’t any slow downs reported. Our trailer tires are rated for 65 miles per hour, so that is what I drive.
Our drive today was on interstate the entire way. Setting your cruise control at 65 means that you will have lots and lots of people whoosh right past you. Thankfully, I care not one iota so they can drive as fast as they want. Since it is still snowing in Calgary, we aren’t in a hurry at all.
You can see our view for a bit of our drive in the video below. LOTS of trucks on the highway!
Today’s drive clocked in at just under 6 hours and we drove through Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee and Missouri. Can you tell we were driving through the corners of a few of those states? It still felt great to be able to say “We made it through 5 states!”
We passed the time listening to audiobooks as usual. We finished “What We Found In the Sofa and How It Saved the World” and started “Treasure Hunters: Danger Down the Nile“. I love that Evan adores audiobooks. I’ll think he has lost interest and then he will start talking to the characters in the book.
“Oh yeah…THAT is a good decision. NOTTTT! What are you thinking????”
He does that a lot.
We finished our day in Sikeston, Missouri. I decided that setting up and tearing down the trailer every night when we are heading home is NOT going to work for us. Instead, we are comfy at the Pear Tree Inn. The price was right, the room is clean, it is pet friendly and they have a happy hour with free wine. If I didn’t miss my husband so much, I just might stay.
We’re soaking up all the free wifi (after almost a week in Alabama without any) and watching the food channel. Tomorrow…it’s back on the highway. Cross your fingers we have a safe drive and the snow in Calgary melts before we get there.
Wednesday 25th of April 2018
What a grand adventure! Never heard of that town in Missouri but glad they allowed pets!