Yesterday Evan, Cooper and I boarded a plane and winged our way back to Calgary. We are home again for a week. After 5 months on the road, it was time to head home to visit. We’ve been talking about coming back for a while now but I couldn’t quite wrap my head around the logistics.
Flying with a 10 year old is relatively easy these days. He is pretty self sufficient and doesn’t need a whole lot. Adding Cooper into that mix, though, makes it not quite so easy. He’s little so I can take him in the cabin with us but he has to stay in his carrier under the seat. He doesn’t love it but he tolerates it. He seems to be part bird because if he gets to angry and barky, I can cover his carrier with a sweater and he stops and goes to sleep. Crazy dog.
As we were on final approach, Evan looked out the window and said “Look Mama! It’s a winter wonderland without the wonderland. It’s just winter.” After a few months in Florida, all the snow and cold is definitely a change. Cooper is unimpressed. He has no desire to poo and pee in the snow. He keeps looking at me like I have let him down. “Why would you do this to me, why?” his litte eyes ask.
We’re heading to the lake for our community’s Winter Canal Days over the long weekend. There will be skating, ice fishing, curling and more. Let’s all cross our fingers that I don’t freeze to death. We have friends joining us from Calgary for the weekend as well as getting to catch up with all of our friends there.
In between all of our social plans, I am getting my phone fixed (I lost my SIM), working on my taxes, getting my hair done and working.
In short, we are going to stuff as much winter wonderland (with or without the wonder) into a week as we can. Then we are heading back to Florida. As much as I have enjoyed our trip, I forsee Evan and I having a hard time getting back on the plane next week.
The couch is comfy, the shower is clean and we are home. Anyone want to drive a trailer to Calgary from Florida? I’m taking applications.
Until next time!
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