Disclosure: A big shout out to Always Online Wireless for keeping me connected during our Epic RV Trip. Without their data services, I would be dead in the water. As always, all opinions are my own.
Once you let one week pass without a Life On the Road update, the weeks just FLY by. Next thing you know you haven’t written one in weeks. Yikes. Thankfully, my lack of writing does not mean we haven’t been doing anything.
After my last post, we headed to Houston to visit NASA. We loved seeing Mission Control and saying “Houston, we have a problem!”. We also met a lovely Australian woman and her daughter at our campsite. They were at the tail end of a year-long trip around the US. We had a great time comparing notes on traveling, homeschooling and life in general. It felt great to meet someone on the same journey.
When we left, we decided that, as fun as driving through Houston was, we would take the Galveston ferry instead. It was quite the experience to drag Miss Daisy onto a ferry. I had to giggle when I caught one of the ferry operators taking pictures of Daisy with his phone. She causes a stir wherever we go. Evan and I got out to watch our crossing. We even saw a few dolphins! Traveling by ferry is not the fastest way to get somewhere but it is definitely more fun that the 610 loop in Houston!
Evan and I decided that a long drive day was okay for once. We headed for New Orleans without breaking the drive up at all. We found an inexpensive campground in East New Orleans. The area was kind of sketchy BUT it had a gate and lovely staff so we decided to give it a go. We had a blast. Cooper stole everyone’s hearts and Evan learned how to play chess.
New Orleans is one of my favourite places to visit but I had never considered going with kids. Well, I have now changed my mind. We had a blast. Keep an eye out for a post about what all we did, ate and saw. In fact, our two night stay ended up being a 5 night stay before it was all over.
Next up after NOLA? Home for a week. Alabama here we come. It was a loooooong drive and my dad ended up backing my trailer into the yard for me since it was dark (yay, Daddy!). I had grand plans of going and doing and seeing all the things near home. Instead we watched TV, did laundry, ate out a lot, visited family and went to WalMart (practically a passtime in my hometown). It was great to see everyone and Evan loved catching up with his cousin Ally. Oh and I got to meet my brand new neice Makynlee.
Next week, I’ll tell you all about our fabulous trip to Pensacola Beach. But first, I need to head out and get some more sand between my toes. Until then….
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Jaclyn Anne
Wednesday 29th of November 2017
First of all, your little niece is absolutely adorable! Sounds like you and your family are still having fun adventures on the road! I love keeping up with your travels. Visiting NASA sounds awesome! Have fun in Pensacola Beach - can't wait to read all about it!