How to Save Money at the Grocery Store
When most people think about ways to save money, they think about cutting back on things like entertainment or dining out. But what about groceries? Believe it or not, you …
When most people think about ways to save money, they think about cutting back on things like entertainment or dining out. But what about groceries? Believe it or not, you …
Every year around September or October I realize that my child has grown a TON and that none of his cold weather gear fits any more. Since Evan is 14, …
Guinea Pigs are the best pets. They are little, furry and cute. Plus they have HUGE personalities. Our Guinea pigs, Gumdrop and Penny, keep us laughing with their crazy antics. …
If fresh, beautiful flowers bring a smile to your face, you’d probably love to have them blooming inside your home all year long. Fortunately, there are many indoor flowering houseplants …
Wow! Can you believe it has been a whole year since I decided to take the plunge? Last August, I decided to throw caution to the wind and buy a …
I will admit that I was a closet romper hater. Not that I’d owned a romper since I was 12. I was convinced that having to gear down to pee …
I know that many of you come to my blog just for the recipes. If that is you, you can skip this post. I won’t be offended, I promise. For …
Today was my 4th day working at my new store Past Connections. After 6 years of working at home, the decision to go back to work wasn’t something I took …