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Minneapolis Mini-Vacay

One of the things that Dewey and I looked forward to most about me working less was that I would be able to travel with him more often when he goes away for work. Making sure Evan is cared for still makes it challenging but now there is only one challenge instead of 2. So when Dewey said that he had meetings in Minneapolis and we had Evan covered, it seemed like the perfect time to just GO.

And go I did. I found myself in a town that I had visited once before but never for any significant amount of time (that wasn’t taken up by a meeting). We decided to save money by not renting a car and instead rode the train from the airport to the hotel. BTW…LOVE the Minneapolis airport. It is organized well, has great shopping, great eating and it is super convenient from a transit perspective. Our flight got in early so Dewey and I took off on foot to explore the city.

First off….The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

The clouds were dark and gloomy so we didn’t stay as long as we would have on a bright and sunny day. If I lived in Minneapolis, I could see spending many days in this gorgeous park with a book and a coffee.

Later that evening, after a loooooooong walk and then a cab ride home in the rain, we took in a Minnesota Twins game. We were lucky enough to sit in a box suite so it was an awesome experience. I’m not a huge baseball fan but seeing it live at the stadium is always better.

Minnesota Twins

The next day Dewey had actual work to do so I was on my own. One of the things I didn’t realize about Minneapolis is that they have a Skywalk system that is very similar to Calgary’s +15 system. So even though the sky threatened rain, I knew that I could get pretty much anywhere without getting soaked. It definitely helped get me out of the hotel room! The first thing I noticed was food trucks. Not sure if you know this but I *heart* food trucks…especially good ones. Unfortunately I couldn’t remember where I saw them once I was ready for lunch. Thankfully, I found another group of trucks and was still in time for lunch. I decided to try a fried tomato BLT slider from The Ethical Omnivore truck. It was delicious! It did NOT help my ever present wish for my very own food truck…maybe one day! The rest of my day was spent shopping. Did you know that Minneapolis is the home of Target? Yep…which meant that there was a Target store right downtown. I was a happy girl (and you will be happy to know that most of the prices at the Calgary Target store are in line with the Minneapolis store. However, the selection is better in Minneapolis.)

On our last day, Dewey had meetings for half a day and then we flew out later that evening. We headed down to the Uptown section of the city to explore. After burgers at Burger Jones (thanks to a recommendation from Twitter), we again set out on foot to explore. Many shops later (and a torrential downpour that we avoided by ducking in to a Dunn Brothers Coffee…yum) and we were ready to head home. We decided to travel to the airport early instead of staying downtown. Once we were there and checked in, we found a wonderful little wine bar and market. We had a very civilized dinner of cheese and salumi while enjoying a flight of wine. I’m thinking we need to figure out a way to route our flights through Minneapolis more often!

Here are a few more pics of all the things we saw….

More Minneapolis Sights

Overall, we had a great time and I can’t wait to see where our next mini-vacay will be.

Where have you traveled lately?


Tuesday 4th of June 2013

A flight of wine - that's brilliant! That shot of the sculpture garden almost reminds me a little of Millennium Park in Chicago and makes me miss the mini trips I used to tag along on.


Monday 3rd of June 2013

I need to go on a mini vacay soon! Your trip looked awesome, sounds like it was a great time.

Voula Martin

Monday 3rd of June 2013

Oh cool! I love the mini vacays! I tagged along on a trip to POrtland last year and it's a nice way to have a mom & dad only break!


Monday 3rd of June 2013

Never been there, never thought about going, but it looks like a great place to explore! And I think you'd rock a food truck. Bring some Southern fare to Canada eh?


Monday 3rd of June 2013

Looks fun. I have never been. I need to travel more, but with kids it overwhelms me.