Sometimes I feel like I’ve done everything backwards.
When Evan was one, I went back to work full time and killed myself to make his childhood the BEST CHILDHOOD EVER.
- We had picnics in the park almost every weekend.
- We visited loads of parks and attractions in Calgary.
- We knew our own neighborhood like the back of our hand and walked it often.
- I threw great birthday parties at home for all of Evan’s friends and their parents. All the food and cakes served were (of course) made from scratch.
Then I quit my job and should (in theory) have more time/energy/desire to become even more Pinteresty and….no. Last year I managed to do pretty well making Evan both a Minecraft Grass Block cake for his party and Minecraft Creeper cupcakes for his classroom. They were awesome, I admit it.
Then this year rolled around.
To be fair, we have been busy. My MIL, Claire, was ill and passed away the week of his party. And yet, Evan was still on the
“I want a homemade red velvet cake. You can make that and then buy lots and lots of colors of fondant. Then I will decorate the cake for my party! It’s going to be a Terraria theme and it is going to be AWESOME! We should also have a Terraria themed party at home with all kinds of games we make up!”
When I asked him to tell me how he was going to decorate the cake and to draw me a picture, I got no help. He said “I can do it. I’m pretty sure.” Well, my head exploded. I couldn’t wrap my brain around making a cake and hosting a party with no plan. Winging it and hoping for the best (especially with a funeral to attend the day before) is not my strong suit. So I said no.
We booked a party at Chuck E Cheese (where they take care of everything except the cake…including goodie bags!). We had such a great time and it was EASY. Evan actually loved his DQ ice cream cake and having a party at Chuck E Cheese but he wasn’t giving up on his hopes for homemade treats…
“You have to make me creeper cupcakes for my class, though, okay?”
I said okay even though my brain was screaming “Don’t do it!!!! Just say no!!!!”
I should really listen to my brain. Thankfully I wised up and told Evan yesterday that Mama did not have it in her to make creeper cupcakes this year. So I promised to go by our favorite bakery, Bliss & Co, to get mini cupcakes.
Then I didn’t so… store cupcakes here we come! Any hopes I had of being a Pinterest Mom are dashed but that’s ok. The kid that matters thought it was just fine.
Nailed it!
Wednesday 24th of June 2015
I am impressed that you have your priorities in the right place and your son seemed to have loads of fun even though it wasn't Pinterest perfect. Thank you for sharing what the real world is really like. Just an FYI... I stopped at Costco today and picked up their Chicken Penne Alfredo and Greek Salad for dinner. I was too busy to cook anything. That is my real world!
Merry Kuchle
Wednesday 24th of June 2015
Thank you Thea. I think it is important to share the perfect and the good enough. :)
Wednesday 24th of June 2015
Being kind to yourself is far better than being the world's best pinterest Mom! Some days cry out for EASY. We lucked out when Abby wanted to have her birthday at the food truck rally. I was in desparate need of some easy as well. Happy belated birthday to Evan.
Merry Kuchle
Wednesday 24th of June 2015
I agree. Being kind to ourselves is both important and hard to do. :(
Wednesday 24th of June 2015
the jellybean insisted on having a store bought cake. who was I to disagree. :)
Merry Kuchle
Wednesday 24th of June 2015
Tuesday 23rd of June 2015
Ba ha ha ha! It looks like he still had a great birthday!
Merry Kuchle
Wednesday 24th of June 2015
He totally did!